

Before he contacts Bradley Walsh with his offer to be a freelance joke writer, I suggested to Wilson that it might be wise to actually write some jokes to send with his application. This would demonstrate the level of jocularity and mordant wit he could achieve in his writing.

W considered this for a moment, then agreed that this would be a good idea. Even if it did mean he'd be giving away four top-quality bon mots, he'd easily recoup that small loss once he was on a retainer to The Chase.

Now he's sitting in the dining room trying to be hilarious on paper. It's very quiet in there — he may be suffering from Writers' Block.

A couple of days ago, W received a Tweet from Ms Anne Hegerty off The Chase, reproving him for letting the children play Snakes and Ladders (a game of total chance) instead of the board-game version of The Chase (highly educational).

This personal contact (or Celebrity Endorsement, as he's calling it) may be making it harder for him to be acerbic about someone he now considers he knows personally...

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