

There was great excitement earlier today when Wilson received a call from a local trader asking about his Product Placement Service. 

Wilson put on his best businesslike voice (maximum gravitas and dependability with a soupçon of world-weariness — though a tiny bit squeaky, due to his excitement) and negotiated a very good price. But as the conversation proceeded, his face began to fall.

After the call ended we all gathered round to see what had occurred. 

Wilson told us that, typically, his first Product Placement client was a local butcher with a shop at the top of the High Street. He wanted to commission Wilson to go into the shop and buy some meat and sausages in return for a fat fee, and everything W 'bought' being given to him for free.

This sounded like a good deal to me, but I knew what Wilson was going to say, and I was right:

'It was a generous offer, New Dad, but as a strict vegetarian,' he sighed sadly, 'my moral compass would not allow me to accept this commission.'

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