

A little behind schedule (but not nearly as late as the Government's official app) Nërp is finally ready to reveal his Sniff-'n'-Trace iPhone App.
Before showing it to Wilson, he warned him that it had been necessary to add 'one or two hardware peripherals' to ensure its reliable functioning.
In spite of the warning, Wilson was not quite prepared for what greeted him when he walked into Nerp's workshop: while the app did appear to run on Wilson's iPhone, it was powered by a massive car battery and connected to a rack of equipment on a little pull-along trolly.
'Is this it?' Wilson demanded, clapping his paw to his head. 'Is this the App? It's supposed to fit in your pocket, not be pulled round on a cart!' 
Nërp remained positive as he explained that the App had 'higher than anticipated' power requirements, and Warned Wilson, 'I wouldn't test it yet, as I believe the "Nose Receptor Device" may be suffering from Hay Fever… or possibly a Summer Cold – anyway, it's doing a lot of sniffing, and not much tracing.'
Before Wilson could speak, a deafening sound came from the loudspeakers on top of the main machine.
What with all the feedback and crackling it wasn't easy to be sure, but it might have been an announcement saying: 'Move two metres away or prepare to be exterm-m-m-m-m-m-mmmmmmminated!'
At this point we were forced to leave the workshop due to an acrid burning smell – I hope Wilson's iPhone is okay or he'll expect me to buy him a new one…

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