

Hello, we are 🐝 Polly and  🐝 Billi the Bees, this is our Guest Blog and we'd like to wish you a Very Happy Mayday!

Lockdown is no fun for anyone – Wilson and his brother Byron have put on some weight, Wilson's New Dad has constantly got his head in the fridge and even we have put on a few grams!

But when the sun is shining there's nothing like a bit of exercise to help you feel fitter, happier and lighter – and the best kind of exercise is dancing!

As you know, we bees are famous for doing the Waggle Dance, and now we're going to teach you how to Waggle Dance like Bees!

We're always waggle-dancing in the garden, but we realise it might be easier for you to understand the moves if you watched some humans doing it, so just take a look at this:

You don't have to wear deely-boppers, but it really does help!
Come on now, all together, one, two, three, four and

Waggle Waggle Waggle Waggle Waggle, and,
Waggle Waggle Waggle Waggle Waggle,

and rest. 

Take a moment to catch your breath, because you're probably not used to working as hard as bees!

So we've been the Bees and we'll see you all again next month. Until then, KEEEEEEEP WAGGLE-DANCING!

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