

Today, while we were out having coffee in a local cafe, I gave Wilson and Byron the books I'd bought for them.

They were both very pleased (Wilson in particular brandished his book in the air and ran round showing it to anyone who'd look, while shouting, 'I Am The Greatest!') and while Byron seemed pleased by the gift, I sensed that something was not quite right.

I pressed him on this, but he said, 'Oh no, there's nothing wrong, Wilson's New Dad – it's a lovely book and I shall treasure it forever!'

'But?…' I persisted, 'You can tell me anything – I won't be cross.'

'Well…' he replied, 'It's nothing really… but the books are called "Wilson is the Greatest" and "Byron is the Greatest" and, well, we can't both be the Greatest, because "Greatest" is a Superlative, so while there can be many "Greats" there can be only one "Greatest". I'm really sorry to have mentioned this…'

I suggested that we could pop into the stationers and but a bottle of Tippex, and change 'Greatest' to Great', but B wouldn't hear of it, saying, 'I'm sure Wilson would rather carry on thinking he is the Undisputed Greatest than merely Great!'

How well Byron knows his brother!

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