

Despite its unprepossessing exterior, The Shell Grotto proved very interesting.

Its origins are shrouded in mystery, as it was already very old when it was discovered in 1837 – which just adds to the fascination.

There are around 20m of underground winding passages, the walls and ceiling being clad in some 4½ million shells (which Wilson thought was 'a bit creepy')! 

The passages eventually lead to a room where a famous séance was held in the 1930s (which Wilson thought was 'a bit spooky').

However, he was full of admiration for the Shell Grotto Gift Shop, buying a few mementos of our visit to display in his little Museum.

Nërp declared that the Grotto was 'fascinating, if bizarre' and that his niece Jīqìrén would love to see it.

We were all stunned by this, as no-one knew that Nërp had any relatives…

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