

It's been very warm here lately – whereas this time last year we were enduring heavy snowstorms, this year we've had some of the warmest days since records began. 

The temperature is over 20°C (68°F) here right now!

It's been so warm that The Bees want to re-form their football team, The Uckfield Bees, but are unable to mark out their pitch.

They're having quite a heated discussion with Wilson about the lack of grass due to his Museum re-build having reduced most of the garden to a muddy wasteland.

W feels a bit betrayed by his Site Manager, Antony, taking The Bees' side in the argument. 

Antony plays for The Uckfield Bees, and he'd quite like a kick-about with the other children while waiting for work on the Museum to resume…

Incidentally, today is
Polar Bear Day!
Polar bears are cute but dangerous (a reputation Wilson is keen to cultivate for himself) but he's a bit scared of them – a gang of [animatronic] polar bears allegedly tried to mug him for his Xmas gift as he left Father Xmas' Magic Grotto.
This was many years ago, but the incident made a deep impression on young W!

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