

DAY THREE of the siege, and supplies are running low – we have already exhausted our supplies of ice-cream!

Wilson is starting to worry about inadvertently eating Zombie Ants and becoming infected with what he calls the Zombie Lurgy

Eventually, Nërp bravely volunteered to go outside to see whether the zombies were still at large – he reasoned that since his brain was electro-mechanical the Zombies were unlikely to eat it, and unless they were also equipped with antique Philips DIN plugs and leads would not even be able to access it.

Everyone, including Uncle Z, Cheered enthusiastically, but Nërp hushed them, saying, 'Shhh – the zombies will hear you!'

Uncle Zoltan suggested that Nërp should take with him a crucifix and a clove of garlic, but Wilson Googled this and found that Uncle Z was confusing Zombies with Vampires – an easy mistake to make, in the circumstances.

As dusk fell, Wilson silently unlocked and opened the front door so that Nërp could slip out unobserved into the darkness. As he left, he gave Wilson a brave smile, but his tuneless humming betrayed his nervousness.

I can't help feeling that there would be less chance of him drawing attention to himself if he turned off the flashing message announcing 'Top Secret Mission' on his display screens, but I'm no expert in these matters…

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