

Wilson had originally intended to write his big sister’s name, Andrea, in smoke, but said that six letters would use up all his ingredients. 

Consequently, he’s going to honour his R&D team by attempting to produce the letters W, B and N – his, Byron’s and Nërp’s initials.

The three letters did indeed appear, but after a minute the garden was completely engulfed in acrid, choking smoke, making the letters impossible to see.

A couple of Wilson’s friends have mentioned that Daylight Fireworks have already been invented. 

I mentioned this to W, but he was dismissive, asking, ‘Haven’t they seen my Smokeworks Unique Selling Point? Can their so-called daylight fireworks spell out names and words? I think not!’

But right now, just to err on the side of caution, he’s in the house Googling for a good No-Win, No-Fee Intellectual Property Solicitor.

Uh-oh – I’ve just heard the siren of an approaching fire engine! I’ll pour some sand over the smouldering Smokeworks, then I’m off to hide indoors. 

I think I’ll lock all the doors and pretend we’re out…

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