

A question about a friend who's a thief;
Wilson's advice should bring some relief.


Another Agony Uncle Problem has poured in!


❝Dear Uncle Wislon,
I work in an office, and I've noticed my friend is stealing office supplies – paper, pencils, envelopes etc – and I don't know whether I should tell my Manager.
What do you advise?
Worried Worker.❞

'Ahh, this is more like it,' Wilson remarked, rubbing his paws together, 'A real moral dilemma I can get my teeth into. Except that anteaters don't actually have any teeth. Furthermore,' he chuckled, 'it's written in green ink – excellent!'

His reply is admirably succinct, yet sympathetic.


❝Dear Worried Worker,
If you were to report your friend, you would be a snitch, and your friend would hate you.
Instead, I would suggest you approach her, tell her that you've seen what she's doing and suggest that she splits the stolen supplies with you, to ensure your silence.
Actually, office supplies are always in pretty short supply round here, so if you wanted to send over some paper clips and pencils, they would be very welcome!
Uncle Wilson.❞

Perhaps Polly, with her evidently superior Moral Compass, should play a greater role in helping Wilson formulate his advice?

Speaking of Polly, she has asked me to remind you that today marks the eight month anniversary of when Uncle Zoltan was last seen alive...

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