

Acting Out is a psychological term meaning (and I paraphrase here) being uncharacteristically naughty because you're hurting inside and don't know how to express your pain.

So I wasn't unduly surprised to receive a call from our neighbours round the corner telling me that Wilson was spray-painting on the wall opposite them.

I understand perfectly well that W is very upset by recent events, but I can't let this go unremarked upon, so I tackled him about it as soon as he returned. At first he denied anything to do with graffiti, but honestly, the evidence does not support his protestations of innocence.

We had a serious talk about the unacceptability of damaging other peoples' property, agreed that he would clean it off, and I don't think he'll do it again. 

Once we'd finished our discussion, he asked me to confirm that, in spite of my upbringing, I was NOT a Serial Killer, nor a top Rock Guitarist. I confirmed that I was neither... though admitted I wouldn't have minded the Rock Guitarist thing. This can apparently make one quite popular with the ladies!

Later on I shall try to teach him some healthy coping skills.

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