

Wilson's iPad (which is to say, the tablet previously known as MY iPad) has gone wrong, leaving him at a bit of a loose end.

Idly reminiscing to Antony, he mentioned that his Mum, Mrs Vermillingua, in an attempt to bring some order to her chaotic life, had named her children in alphabetical order.

W's Big Sister (Mrs V's first-born) was accordingly named Andrea, followed by Wilson — who's given name was "Boo" (you can see why he changed it, can't you?).

She got a bit confused following the birth of Dinsdale, owing to not having any clear understanding of what the alphabet even is.

Since then, she would have been right through the alphabet several times if she'd stuck with this scheme, but instead, by the time little Francine was born, she had reverted to random naming... which probably accounts in part for her vagueness about birthdays. 

And about her family in general...

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