

The start of December is the time when Wilson puts up our outdoor Xmas lights. 

Rather against his better judgement, he has left The Bees and Uncle Zoltan running the Afternoon Show on Wonderful Radio W, having given strict instructions to Uncle Z NOT to play ANY Hungarian folk music.

From the top of the ladder, apropos nothing at all, Wilson suddenly shouted down to ask another of his potential Chase questions: 

'New Dad — which of these Motorways is the shortest?
     A: M25
     B: M26
     C: M27'

Trying to sound confident, I called back to him, 'C — the M27!' 

On hearing this W smirked and almost dropped his screwdriver, so I imagine I've got this one wrong too. It was only a shot in the dark, as they all seem infinitely long when you're stuck in traffic on them.

As soon as the lights were to W's satisfaction (and you might be surprised by how long that took to achieve) we went indoors to warm up with a mince pie and a mug of hot chocolate with brandy and marshmallows. 

Oh, and ants. Obviously.

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