

Wilson's despair was short-lived when he remembered that he'd ordered his white lab coat using my VISA card so he would not, after all, be out of pocket — I would!

Glancing at the tv, he asked me, 'New Dad, what's that little "P" in the corner of the screen for? I've never noticed it before — is it a tribute to Bob Holness?'

I explained to him how sometimes tv programmes will include things in their sets just to make them look lifelike, but sometimes manufacturers will PAY the show to include one of their products. 

I went on to say that it had only become legal in the UK quite recently and was still a bit controversial, but I saw that he had drifted away into a world of his own, lost in his thoughts...
Wilson barely knows who David Bowie is, but for me he's been a constant throughout my adult life. A little bit of me has died today.


  1. "I can't understand what you do, but it looks WELL interesting"
    Maybee you can understand easier to access urlS/pathES with 6 additional AutoHotKey code lines
    You will get less shorcut code lines(1/shortcut) than with the advanced codings (3/shortcut)

