Wilson gathered everyone in the kitchen so he could explain how his new card game — fANTastic fun! — is played.
Once everyone had settled down, Wilson drew a card from the pack on the table and read it silently to himself (although his lips did move a little — enough for me to guess the answer even before I'd heard the question).
Then he announced, 'This ant is very old! — now you've got to think of a word with "ant" in it that means very old. Alright?'
This was met with blank looks, so he continued, 'As this is the first time you've played, I shall tell you the answer, which is, "Antique"!'
He beamed at everyone, but sensed he had more explaining yet to do.
'You see, "Antique" means something that is very old, and it's got "ant" in it. "ANT-ique" — you see?'
He drew another card and announced, 'Okay here's another one — this ant always stays the same! What ant is it?'
Tiny Toy raised his paw confidently and said, 'Gary! The ant is Gary — Gary is a good name for an ant...'
Wilson puffed out his cheeks and exhaled deeply, reminding me very much of Captain Mainwaring from Dad's Army trying to have a sensible conversation with Private Pike.
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