

Wilson is in the kitchen refining his Mission Statement. 

He's listed his personal favourites and pinned them up on the notice board, so that you can vote on your favourite — or suggest something entirely new, if you think of anything suitable.

His front-runners are:

     'That's the way I roll!'
     'I am Anteater — hear me ROAR!'
     'Damaged but Adorable'

He's ditched 'We exist to quickly utilise meta-services' on the grounds that, although it sounded very 21st Century, he didn't know what it meant, and would have been embarrassed if anyone had asked him to explain it.

Yesterday's fANTastic! answer is: ANTimony
Today's fANTastic! question is: This ANT gradually pours liquid from one vessel into another, without disturbing the sediment.
What ANT is it?

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