

Wilson went to bed early last night to study the Tenets of Pastafarianism, and also to work on a 'stunning low-outlay, high-profit' new invention he's just thought of.

He took a brown paper bag with him... I do hope he's not glue-sniffing or something!

Anyway, I took the opportunity of his absence to see a Sci-Fi Movie (with the sound turned down very low): I watched "EX MACHINA" with a bag of ant-free nuts and a glass of non-ant wine, and had a lovely evening. 

However, WILSON MUST NEVER SEE THIS FILM! I beg you not to mention it to him. I can't face going through the "MOON" fiasco again... sleepless nights, depression, animal psychiatrists, legal action — the Sci-Fi Movie Ban MUST stay in place!
Incidentally, Wilson has re-named his fANTastic! Fun-For-All-The-Family card game: it is now called ANTicipate!
Yesterday's ANTicipate! answer is: KANT
Today's ANTicipate! question is: This ANT is a long projecting beam fixed only at one end. What ANT is it?

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