
Birth rate rises sharply!

Polly had a long labour, with many refreshment breaks, and it was starting to get dark when Johnson Minor was eventually 'born.' 

However, Billi didn't want to be left out and wanted to experience motherhood for herself — so  'Mother' and 'Midwife' switched roles and the entire process was repeated with Billi 'giving birth' to Johnson Major.

Wilson had by now moved on to Show Tunes and was belting out Ethel Merman's There's No Business Like Show Business. 

Quite a crowd had gathered, attracted by the music, the excitement and Johnson Minor running round shouting, 'I've been borned! I've been borned!' 

Finally, just as Wilson segued from 76 Trombones to the Colonel Bogey March, Johnson Maj. was 'born', with Tiny Toy lying next to him pretending to be his twin and shouting, 'PUSH! PUSH HARDER!'

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