
50 Sheds of Grey

I half expected to find that Wilson had ordered six tons of Readymix for his Easter Island Head project, but he remained in bed in the tumbledryer until late today. When I went to wake him, I found he was already hard at work with his (ie my) iPad, tapping away at the keyboard.
I asked him how he was, and he said he must not be disturbed as he was working on a 'brilliant idea'. When I pressed him on this, he said he was writing a blockbuster novel that was 'certain to outsell Harry Potter. It's called "Fifty Sheds of Grey". People who are embarrassed about buying the "50 Shades of Gray" book will buy it by mistake!'
'Hmm…' I responded. The original book is a very racy 'Adult' novel - is that what you're writing?'
'Give me a break!' he replied, 'I'm only five! What do I know about that stuff?'
I'm sure he'll tell me what it's about eventually. I'll bring him some coffee and choc-ant cookies in bed and try to get him talking about it…

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