
Antony is safe!

First thing this morning Wilson drew a map of the entire house and grounds, so he could try to locate Antony using a Psychic Pendulum, which is apparently a ring or something tied onto a bit of cotton. Then he hurried off to the Wilson Vermilingua OBE Museum Of Old Stuff to look for the ring he thought he'd seen there.
Just minutes later he called me to come to the Museum, where I found him excitedly brandishing Antony in his paws! He explained breathlessly that while looking for a ring he found Antony under some old stuff and now he thinks he might remember having left him there.
To celebrate Antony's safe return, W has claimed the 'substantial reward' for himself. 
I did enquire whether he would be removing the dozens of cocktail sticks in the garden, and he said he'd try to get round to it, if he had time, after he'd finished eating the 'substantial reward'.

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