TT is fine-tuning the script for his forthcoming Xmas X-travaganza Comedy Show.
Antony is helping by lending moral support, and Diesel is there too because he claims to know a lot of Goldfish jokes.
Unfortunately, all of Diesel's jokes end the same way – with him forgetting the punchline.
Byron knows one, though:
'I have six goldfish named Major, Minor, Flat Nine, Bebop, Altered, and Blues.
The only way I can tell them apart is by their scales.'
Uncle Zoltan shocked everyone by telling a goldfish joke of his own:
'My friend's Goldfish died the other day, so I surprised her and got her an identical one!
She was furious, saying "What am I supposed to do with two dead goldfish?"'
Diesel said that jokes about dead goldfish were offensive and in very poor taste, and forbade TT to use it.
Pterry is also present, not because he can contribute anything but because he still cries if left alone.
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