

Nërp's Halloween Trick-or-Treat-'o'-Matic machine has been installed by the front door, so the celebrations may now commence!

Since we're all one family, everyone has been able to attend this year's Hallowe'en Party.
Uncle Zoltan has baked one of his famous cakes and, although I'm sure he (probably) washed his tarsi before making it, I rather wish he wouldn't keep walking all over it!
Tiny Toy is telling Hallowe'en jokes (eg – Q: Why did the skeleton cross the road? A: To get to the Body Shop!) but you might be surprised to learn how very few good Hallowe'en jokes there are…
After the cake there will be Apple Bobbing (I don't know whether the spiders on the apples are real or plastic, but I'm not taking any chances!) 
Later on we'll turn off the lights, light a single candle and tell Ghost Stories.
I don't doubt that this will be followed by everyone wanting to sleep in my room, with the lights left on all night – not because they're scared, of course, but because they're concerned for the younger children(!)


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