

Wilson is having trouble thinking of Classic Children's Books which he can easily update – I suppose he's suffering from Plagiarist's Block.

To give his subconscious mind a chance to solve this complex conundrum, this morning he took Nërp's niece Jīqìrén for a tour of his Asteroid Shelter, thinking she would be amazed by his awesome structure. 

She was not. 

Actually she said that she'd 'Rather be hit by an asteroid than spend any time in this bleak and cheerless cave!' 

Wilson was a bit taken aback by this, but before he could protest she continued, 'You are SUCH a boy!' which W at first thought was a compliment – but it wasn't. 

'You haven't even got any matching cushion covers. Typical! An armchair and a tv and you're satisfied.'

Wilson tried to explain that a lack of matching cushion covers was secondary to saving your life, but Jīqìrén took a different view of the austere accommodation, announcing that she would design a complete decorative and architectural overhaul of the structure for his approval.

Whoever would have guessed that a young Taiwanese Robot would have such a highly developed sense of aesthetics and interior design? 

So unlike her Uncle Nërp!

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