

Picking his way through unconscious soft toys, Wilson quickly made his way to the bathroom – a room, it must be said, with which he has little familiarity.

The smoke had mostly dispersed, but there was still a whiff of burning brimstone in the air – the stench of the Underworld.

When W caught sight of Nërp, his Catholic upbringing overwhelmed his rational self and he instinctively crossed himself.

Once he had regained his composure, however, he recognised the ghastly figure as Nërp and asked him what had been occurring.

Nërp quickly explained that the mysterious Amazon delivery had been his Dracula costume, some special-effect units and a few other items, and he had merely tried them on so as to be ready in good time.

W told Nërp sternly that in this house it is traditional to make one's own Hallowe'en costumes.

With certain exceptions (by which he means, his own outfits).

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