

Wilson and Byron have nipped round to Tesco for ‘secret ingredients,’ leaving Nërp in charge of the newly-installed ‘secret equipment’ – which is making a noise not unlike a cement mixer.

While they were safely out of the way, I tapped on the kitchen door. Nërp replied: ‘It is forbidden to enter, Wilson’s New Dad – please leave the area!

Persisting, I asked if I could just have a quick word with him. After a few moments the door opened a crack, his body blocking my view of whatever might be going on within.

I asked Nërp if he had any idea what was going on.

He replied that the Laws of Robotics forbade him from divulging to me anything that had been flagged with the property ‘Secret’ and the contents of the Amazon box, together with its ultimate purpose, had been so flagged. 

‘Forgive me for not being Bender from Futurama,’ he continued. ‘If I were, I would doubtless have “spilled the beans” in return for a bottle of beer and a cigar. But I am not. I think Wilson is disappointed that I am not – I suspect he would find Bender more… simpatico. More… amusant.’ He chuckled to himself – an unnerving, mechanical noise. ‘Amusant. AmusANT – did you see what I did there? Oh, never mind.’

So, I guess I’ll have to wait and see. I don’t much like waiting and seeing – it makes me nervous.

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