

"Every Little Helps" they say,
But Wilson's help is not okay.


I've just received the phone call I'd been half-expecting and half dreading... from the General Manager at Tesco.

It appears that Wilson's idea of 'Really putting Tesco on the map' was to replace all their 'outdated' recipe cards with his own ant-based recipe cards.

Also the shelf-banners have had a bit of an 'update'.

While the very nice manager appreciated that W had done this from the best of motives, she said that it would have been better if he'd asked first.

''I would have asked first,' Wilson explained, 'but I was afraid you'd have said "no"...'

'We would,' she replied. 'Still, there's been no harm done, so let's just say no more about it.'

Making our way back to the car, W complained that supermarkets should be prepared to Think Different – to move forward into an insect-based culinary future...

According to W's friend Kate, in New Zealand you can already buy snacks with ants in them – 'That' he said, 'is one forward-thinking country.'

As we drove home, he asked me whether I'd ever thought of moving to New Zealand...

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