

Don't let your money go to waste;
Send it to Wilson now, in haste!


I'm sure you all know by now that the old £1 coin will cease to be legal tender next Sunday.

Wilson was unaware of this until he heard something about it on the radio this morning. He reported to me that there are more than FIVE HUNDRED MILLION of these soon-to-be-worthless Old Pound Coins still rattling about in people's purses, pockets and piggy banks. Oh, and down the back of the sofa, obviously.

W says that this is a dreadful waste, and has launched a CHARITY APPEAL to save this money being lost or grabbed by the Government. 

He says that if just ONE IN FIVE HUNDRED of these old coins was sent to him, he would be a millionaire, thus keeping the imprudent promise he made to his Mum, Mrs Vermilingua, all those years ago!

He pledges that all money received over-and-above £1m he will personally donate to the Sloth Orphanage in Costa Rica and the Retirement Home for Elderly Elephants in Thailand — I have to admit, he seems pretty confident!

So, Wilson asks you to please send all your old £1 coins to:

     Wilson Vermilingua
     New Dad's House
I've given him a few just to start him off...

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