

Next up on the list of Must-See Attractions was a climbing demonstration which would apparently leave me 'Breathless with excitement and wonder' as I watch this 'Lithe and acrobatic animal climb high into the leafy forest canopy above in search of food.'

The lithe and acrobatic animal turned out to be Byron. Again. It occurs to me that Byron appears to be doing a lot of work, while Wilson takes the ticket money and is paid to eat ants...

Anyway, I handed him a £5 note and he clambered enthusiastically (though a little uncertainly) into the lower reaches of a small tree.

By the time he drew level with my head, he stopped, and remarked that at the Zoo he did all his climbing on a Jungle Gym, and trees were quite a bit trickier. 

I reassured him that he was doing very well — certainly much better than I could have managed — but he eventually confessed that he was stuck, and asked me to help him down.

Reaching towards him he put his arms round my neck and I lifted him back to Terra Firma.

'There's no need to mention this to Wilson, is there?' he asked.

I shook my head, saying, 'Absolutely not — no need at all!'

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