

Having had nothing to eat since lunchtime, Wilson expressed an urgent need for sustenance in the form of a Large Festive Mulled Wine, a Large Spicy Cider and several Rich Chocolate Brownies from a food stall in the Apple Market.

Having downed the spicy cider and the mulled wine (both of which were larger than expected and taken on an empty stomach) he was walking a little bit unsteadily as we headed back to the station to catch our train home. I was quite relieved to get him safely seated on board without mishap.

He told me that the lights were a bit disappointing, and that he thought the illuminations we have in Uckfield were actually better, but that he'd had a 'Totes top day'. 

Then he sang an Xmas song which he had 'just made up':

               Xmas is coming, the ants are getting fat
               Please put a penny in Uncle Zoltan's hat
               If you haven't got a penny, a farthing will do
               I don't know what a farthing is, de dum de dum de doo!


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