

When I was a boy, Bonfire Night was one of the BIG nights of the year — right up there with Xmas and your own Birthday — but of course, Hallmark hadn't yet invented Hallowe'en. Nowadays Guy Fawkes is celebrated much less, which is probably a good thing. 

When Wilson first came to live with me we'd have fireworks in the back garden; last year we went to an organised display; this year he says he'd like just a big bonfire so the whole family can attend. With loads of Marshmallows. 

I suspect he'll want loads of Ant Gin too, but fire and gin seems to me like a dangerous combination.

He's in the garden now, discussing Bonfire Construction and making certain that no hedgehogs are hiding under the wood. This is turning out to be quite a heated debate because Uncle Zoltan has declared himself to be a world authority on the art and craft of Bonfire Building, whereas Wilson just wants to pile the wood up and set fire to it… 

Diesel the Goldfish is out there too, not because he likes bonfires (he doesn't — he worries that his water will overheat) but because he's hoping for a drop of rain. He loves a drop of rain.

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