

There is so much to see and do at the Isle of Wight Steam Railway that we couldn't agree on what to do first, so we took a vote in the form of a Show Of Paws. 

I abstained, on the grounds that this was really Wilson's holiday, and also the first day that Antony and TT had been allowed out of the hotel, so I thought it best to let them choose amongst themselves.

In a close vote, Wilson (Restaurant Party) was narrowly defeated by Antony and TT (Ride On A Train Party) so we went onto the platform to have a look at the locomotive which would be transporting us, so to speak, back in time.

Wilson and the boys were standing at the edge of the platform looking at the engine when the train whistle blew, loudly and unexpectedly — poor W nearly jumped out of his fur, and scurried over to the far side of the platform, explaining that the children were scared.

'No we're not!' shouted Antony, while Tiny Toy called to the engine driver, 'Do it again! Do it again!'

W quickly recovered his composure and we walked along the carriages looking for a good seat.

Wilson said he'd like to sit somewhere 'Not too near the whistle. Um, I mean the engine. Not too near the engine. I wonder whether there's a Buffet Car?'

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