

Wilson just stood stock still, staring at the flashing lights, the whirling cars, smelling the electrical discharges and listening to the insistent Rock beat, as though hypnotised.

Then he digested the sign on the wall, which read, 'No Head-On Bumping! No Unaccompanied Children Or Anteaters!' and looked at me pleadingly.

'Oh, go on then!' I said. He jumped in while I took his photograph, then I climbed in beside him.
I let Wilson steer most of the time, and I must say I'd forgotten what really good fun it is… which is probably why we had three goes!

After this I think we'd better move on to Blackgang Chine, before it gets too dark.

Remember, though, that tomorrow it is The Bees' turn to blog, so please don't miss that!

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