
Our carriage awaits...

I hadn't appreciated that the slide was a 'Ride As Long As You Like' attraction — which made it good value, particularly in Wilson's case as he seemed tireless, going round and round on it for ages while I sat watching him and thinking longingly of dinner.

When he did eventually wilt and returned to me he announced that he was too tired to walk and needed me to carry him back to the car park. I was pretty worn out myself by then, so that was not about to happen. Instead, I suggested taking one of the many horse-drawn taxis.

'Oh yes — so we could!' he exclaimed delightedly, as though that hadn't been on his mind since he first saw them.

He rushed over to make friends with one of the horses, offering him a bit of candy-floss he'd found embedded in his fur in lieu of the more traditional sugar lump, and we rode back along the promenade in great style — in what I can only describe as a Fairy Princess Carriage.

W had befriended the horse, and refused point-blank to ride in one of the more masculine vehicles...

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