
A scary journey...

When Wilson emerged from the Ghost Train he was visibly distressed — pale and shaking — so that he had to lean against the wall to support himself.

I ran over to take his arm and comfort him, but he stopped me, saying, 'Keep your distance, New Dad! I fear I may be possessed and I don't want to pollute you with some inimical incubus…'

'What on Earth was in there?' I asked him.

'I have no idea,' he replied. 'I had my eyes tight shut, but it was…' he shuddered, 'Horrifying! Shocking! Heinous!' 

He's always been good with words!

Hoping to distract him I asked whether he'd like a Do-Nut (which usually does the trick) but he said he needed to seek Psychic Counselling immediately, and he tottered off towards the Fortune Teller's Booth.

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