
The Sign Man cometh...

Wilson was very tired after his last-minute Hallowe'en adventure yesterday, so I felt a little bit bad about rousting him out of his bed and marching him outside to deal with the signwriter who had 'Come to do yer car, mate!'

W had engaged him to paint over the 'CoffeeMobile' lettering on the car and replace it with 'Pud-U-Like'… and had forgotten to cancel when the plan went belly-up.

Once he had placated the signwriter and we were back indoors, he confided to me that his Trick-or-Treat takings were a bit down on previous years, which he blamed on his lack of advance preparation. 

And the fact that people couldn't understand him when he said 'Trick-or-Treat?' due to his having cut the mouth hole in the pumpkin a bit too small to move his lips…

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