
An Engagement is announced!

Wilson went into the living room to consider his options concerning his now-doomed Honey Farm venture. He was specially upset as he'd seen this as his final chance to become a millionaire before his upcoming 7th birthday and thus fulfil the promise he'd made to his mother, Mrs Vermilingua. 

He was sitting on the sofa deep in thought when the two bees appeared, saying they'd like another word.

W feared more bad news, but they started by saying they were very sorry for any disappointment they may have caused. 

Wilson graciously accepted this, but was caught off-guard when they continued by saying that they would like to get engaged anyway. 

'We've done some research,' they said, 'and we believe some sort of party is customary. We'll leave you to your thoughts now.' 

With which they left. Holding tarsi. 

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