
A tiny hitch at the florists

The Florist has just called Wilson to say there's a bit of a hitch with his order.

I knew there as a problem when I heard W's raised voice on the phone saying 'I've never dealt with such a tin-pot, incompetent, unprofessional, second-rate, inefficient…' 

He slammed the phone down and told me that the florist can't supply some of the flowers he'd requested. Well, most of them, actually. 

'They say they can't get any fennel, borage, buttercup, aster, hollyhocks, geranium, calendula, sweet alyssum, poppy, zinnia, cleome or heliotrope!' he stormed. 'They say they're "out of season" or some such nonsense! Not only that, they say that most of them are actually "weeds!" Weeds! I ask you!'

I asked him what they could supply. He glanced at his notepad and said, 'They have deigned to offer me snowdrops, dried lavender and some paper sunflowers. They told me I might get some sage and fennel in Tesco. In the cookery aisle.'

Given that there are now only four days until the party, I suggested that he call the florist back, apologise for shouting at them and accept the flowers they can supply.

Which he has now done. Grudgingly.

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