
The earwigs have gone!

Taking advantage of a rare dry spell, Wilson took Byron round to the Folly to meet the Earwig Family in the Bee Hotel. He was very surprised to find the hotel empty once again, the earwigs having vacated it! 
Byron found a tiny handwritten note addressed to 'Deer Mista Wislon' in which the earwigs thanked W for allowing them to stay in the hotel rent-free and announcing that they had decided to resume their nomadic life-style. 'Wunderin is in our blud.' the note explained, 'Xept that we don hav no blud. Eneway thanc yu.'
"Barely literate,' Wilson reflected, 'but kindly meant! I wish them well in their travels, they are a maligned species.'

The two anteaters then returned to the house, where Wilson explained the concept of Hallowe'en, which is not celebrated in the zoo and of which Byron knew nothing.

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