
Wilson tells me a joke...

In the resulting mood of relief and jollity following Tiny Toy's recovery, Wilson told me a joke. This in itself is an unusual event as he isn't a 'joke' kind of person. However, he sat opposite me and said:
'How many ants does it take to change a lightbulb?' I shook my head and he continued, 'It doesn't matter — I'll eat them in the dark then get my New Dad to change the bulb!'
Giggling uncontrollably, he told me he was considering a career as a stand-up comedian, just in case his Oddsies! enterprise failed, then proceeded to tell me another:
'What's the difference between a Queen Ant and The Queen?' I shook my head again, and he thought for a moment and said, 'Well, one is The Queen of England, and the other… Oh, hang on, I haven't really thought this through.'

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