
I don't like the sound of the details...

Wilson's plan is to put adverts on the local radio stations and newspapers, offering to deliver "the perfect cup of coffee. Any time. Day or night." He says loads of people on Twitter had been asking for such a service, and who better to provide it than him?
There was a period of silence, which I broke by asking who would be delivering the coffees.
'Me, of course!' he exclaimed, 'I'll go to the customer's house or office in the car, or "coffeemobile" as it will be called, then I hop out, deliver the coffee and collect the money!'
'We both know you're too young to drive, so… ?' 
'Well, you'll do the driving, obviously! You'll be the driver, while I will make the coffee and work the SatNav!'
I thought this over for a few microseconds, then asked, 'So at any time, day or night, I might have to jump into the car and drive you to a customer's house?'
'No, no, you jump into the coffeemobile!' he interrupted.
'Whatever,' I continued, 'it's the any time day or night part that's worrying me.'
'I haven't finished designing the logo for the cups - that's what's worrying me!' he replied.

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