
These Boots are Made for Protesting!

Wilson has been on a fundraising visit to Toys 'n' Bears, a local toy megastore, hoping they would donate some teddy-bears for him to send the the Costa Rican Sloth Orphanage. 
They refused, and when he started calling them names ('rotten meanies') they asked him to leave. 
W immediately went outside with his guitar and sang anti-Toys 'n' Bears protest songs.  
I think his protest would have carried more weight if he hadn't popped back inside to buy the Hot Wheels wellingtons he's wearing in the picture, but he said he couldn't live without them, and he'd never seen them anywhere else!

1 comment:

  1. It is a very informative and useful post thanks it is good material to read this post increases my knowledgeteddy bears
