
There's always something in the way...

I asked Wilson when I could have a proper look at the bridge. 
'You can't,' he replied bluntly. 'There's nowhere you can go to look at the bridge apart from if you stand on that big pipe over the river. But that doesn't look very strong.'
'Can't you see it from the railway station platform?' I asked, 'Or the garden of the café over the road?'
'No, I've tried all those places,' he confessed, 'and you can't see it from anywhere. There's always something in the way. Oooh look, there are some ducks!' he shouted, deftly changing the subject. You can feed those with the Heritage Tour Duck Food I'm producing, except I haven't got any with me today because I haven't quite finished designing the Limited Edition Souvenir Bags.'
Oooh look, there are some ducks!

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