
Is it armed, I wonder?

Wilson's robot is big - its antennae brush the ceiling. 
It's sinister and makes a scary noise as it walks. 
It reminds me of the ED-209 in Robocop, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if it had concealed artillery. How can it be so massive, when the kits it was built from came out of two little cardboard boxes? 
Maybe it would be less scary if it had a friendly name. I asked W what it was called and he said he was open to suggestions but at present it was the WTBBR-1. He explained that this stood for Wilson's Teddy Bear Building Robot, but I was more concerned by the '-1' bit, which suggested to me that this was just the first in a series and there may be more robots to come.
In an effort to sound positive, I admired the bear WTBBR-1 had made. W then confessed there are still some bugs in the program and he made that bear himself. Out of a cushion in the living room. 

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