
"It was a different age..."

Wilson, entrepreneur, philosopher and celebrity cook, although precocious and sophisticated, is in many ways still a child. For instance, he now likes to be read nursery-rhymes and fairy tales in bed as he falls asleep. Most evenings I can be found sitting in the utility room next to the tumble-dryer reading to him. 
Or, his latest enthusiasm, being sung to. He favours the songs of Peter Dawson; The Floral Dance* and Devon Glorious Devon are two of his favourites.
In the photo you can see W with two of his most treasured possessions: a Peter Dawson album and an original Peter Dawson 78 he bought off eBay. Unfortunately we can't play the 78, but W just sits and holds it, occasionally closing his eyes and sniffing it. 'It was a different age', he tells me, nostalgically, 'an age we can only dream about…'

* The Floral Dance was written by Kate Moss. No, not the superstar fashion model. Not the author either. Who says this stuff isn't educational?! 
'Hurrah! For the Cornish Floral Dance'

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